& Just Another Particle <$BlogRSDUrl$>

Sunday, February 29, 2004


What can I say about the education system here? Think I should just say No Comments.

Shoulda listened to Ray and not take the SAT till NS and could've saved 80 bucks that was wasted on some dumb test set for muggers. Oh well. At least I don't hafta study and sit for it again.

Anyway I knew something was gonna go wrong when we started drinknig yesterday. Can blame nothing but my luck at Truth or Dare. Well what should I say. Reckon sometimes it's better done than delayed, moreover it's been dragging on for so so long. Will put a smile no matter what's gonna happen.

And thank you, brothers, you've been great.

Friday, February 27, 2004


It was nice getting a Toblerone chocolate from Ling Li as a friendship gift today. Have been rather anti-social lately, perhaps I've seen too much, unfortunately too much on the negative side of life.

Anyways today was really some boring day. Had practically no one to go out with (everyone was either mugging, flirting or getting ready for training in the canteen) and so spent some time in the galleries in town, alone. Involuntary loneliness. Haha. Sadness. =P

Thursday, February 26, 2004

'Tis good 

Training was much more satisfactory today. Every drill felt better to me and hopefully to the team too. The J1s looked rather uneasy thinking about their O-level results which are coming out tomorrow. Oh well. Wish everyone of them will be staying in RJ as we're so used to being with them that we won't bare seeing any leaving. Oh, by the way, congratulations to the girls' team that gek's coming for her first basketball training tomorrow. The pro's gonna be in action soon! Let's wait and see. =)

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

So how? 

Took the SAT I for the first time and got a first time low of 1380. Sighz. The total score was somewhat expected for but receiving a 610 for verbal due to not anything else but getting a-third of the critical reading questions wrong is really frustratingly unacceptable. Can't really be bothered to take again anytime very soon. Didn't realise I'ld get bored of SATs so quickly. Wanted to take SAT II for fun at first but don't know now if I'm really gonna take them since I've no intentions to study in the States at all. Haha. Why am I talking crap here by the way? =P

Coach's not coming tomorrow. Reckon I'm gonna start being harsh from now on after what Ray's said. This seems the only way to get the team on route in preparation for the season which is in about 4-and-a-half weeks' time, after witnessing disappointing sessions time and again for the past few weeks. Hope y'all will understand, guys. We hafta give it all out for our last major tournament.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

A tribute to Mr Ho Swee Haw 

Life’s always unpredictable, indeed it is.
What may seem improbable, sometimes concedes.
Left us silently without a word, he did last night.
Who now still stay undisturbed, without even saying goodbye?

His last nod to me firmly lies, for ever, in my head.
Ever so calm a man of pride, whom no one will forget.
We’ll miss you Sir, we’ll miss you, especially your love and care.
Rest in peace in heaven Mr Ho, with blessings from our prayers.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Not a zookeeper 

Art room's turned into a kittens' gallery as Julienne brought a couple of those cute babies today and made a makeshift house for them with canvases. The room was unusually crowded with dozens of people streamming in to adore the lovely kitties while we had to move out to the corridor outside LT2 for art history "lecture"(some sorta lecture with a teacher and 4 students haha). They reminded me of my cat I reared several years ago, haing loads of fun with its gentleness till mom gave it to a friend because she's scared of animals other than those tiny enough to be flattened like an ant or a cockroach.

Anyway, Mr Liew's leaving at the end of March. We're gonna join the art classes at either NJC or RGS from then on. Don't know how things'll turn out to be but at least the school's not abandoning us. Hah.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hate being sick 

Thank the above that I survived the day without showing many traces of serious headache, sore throat, flu and light fever. Felt dead during dinner with the guys after training, but was really very relieved when Liu told us he'ld give us a ride back on a cab.

Perhaps it's a retribution for what I've done to you, but how can I give you a thousand apologies when I couldn't even think straight or speak much. Wanted to walk up to you and ask about the weather like the past when I saw you play basketball but I couldn't, frozen and shivering in the wind.

Wondered if I should go to school tomorrow and reckon I should, to perhaps just peep at your pretty face and funny idiosyncracies. Oh well. Good night for now. Take care.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Double it 

Hardcore training, bare with the language but I hafta give this name. Think what we did was somewhat similar to sprinting for 1.5 hours straight, especially the 11 court runs under 36 seconds each. And I had to ignore the aching calls of my injured ankle to put up a good fight, as Erickson's words kept on ringing in my mind, "As the captain, you hafta give your all and double the effort." I will, sir, for my team, myself and you.

Didn't see you during physics lecture just now. Hope you're alright. Bless you always.

Monday, February 16, 2004


Sigh. I'm really really sorry okay?

It's all my fault, gonna exorcise my neurotic self no matter what after all that's happened. I remember that the last time was like this too, being oversensitive and overimaginative to something microscopic, making a big fuss over nothingness.

Argh. I beg for pardon. And think I need help overcoming this idiosyncrasy that has gone overboard, really too far.

Well, wish everyone great days ahead. And I'll be looking forward to every tomorrow no matter what has happened. Blessings.

Saturday, February 14, 2004


Everything's planned and arranged. But the 11th-hour confirmation call was denied. Spent every single second of the night on thinking what on earth was happening there but I just couldn't think of a definite answer. That was costly. Headache, cough and an injured ankle this morning. I'm really questioning myself, am I being a stupid idiot here?

We differ so much that I find myself unable to climb into your skin and think in your red New Balance shoes. And that always causes the typical piscean suffer from loads of complicatingly fictionous hallucinations. Am I being dumb, really? Naive and gullible? Perhaps you may wonder why do I suddenly start bitching here? Because indifferent jack is indifferent about everything but you. And I mean what I say, always.

Happy Valentine's Day to all, and you, while the lonesome guy counts time leaving tick by tock, spending this night with love from the particles in the breeze.

Monday, February 09, 2004


Just realized I'm now posting a message under the "Create New Post" section of Blogger. How we wish we can create some new posts for our team. Hah.

Changing the formation only due to the lack of post players is not gonna be cool overally, though this must be good news for most perimeter players. This will mean more vulnerable in defense thus much more hardwork will be needed for input to achieve similar expected output. Oh no. Think I'm becoming like a dead boring lecturer. Bleah.

Anyways, could everyone stop getting injured these days, please?

Don't know when's it gonna be the right time but reckon I should shake it up, like now..

Friday, February 06, 2004

Advertisement Bulletin 

Do you have a post?

RJ basketball team is urgently in need of a couple of true-blooded post players. Anyone fulfils or knows someone fulfilling the requirements below please contact any basketballer immediately or else shot dead:

1. With height around 190cm and mass of about 85 kg.
2. Not on sports appeal.
3. Knows basketball rules.

That's all, folks!


Shallowness is not skin deep. It takes a while to realize if you've not realized that. Anyways, been through that period aeons ago so I shouldn't be bragging about this. Just take it easy, man.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Kinda a quiz 

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, February 02, 2004

Crystal jade 

Blame it on the weather. I wasn't at all in a satifactory mood today again, until buddy Baowen called and we went downstairs for a small-talking evening stroll. My 10-year-buddy advised me to just follow my heart and do whatever I'm comfortable with instead of forcing me myself and I from something real, which suddenly strikes me that I'm actually going against my own principles these days surprisingly. Think I should try to deviate from anti-sociality these days. =P

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Still need a party 

S05A junior-senior party yesterday was somewhat unsurprisingly monotonous, and S02B junior-senior party just now was not anywhere better when it got spoilt by one the host's brothers, some condescending guy who ordered us around his house like his guard dogs. That was when I needed my team, if we didn't decide to leave the party for some old-buddies' catch-up session at Guthrie House.

I really need some sorta party soon.

By the way, when have I started to stammer again? Arghz.

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