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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

And so it goes again 

Woke up this morning finding almost everything outside the window should've been featured on Nippon "whitewash" advertisement or something. White rooftops, white cars, and white flakes floating. Temperature has fallen below -8 degrees. Gosh.

Looking out the headscreen in the middle of the 16-lane Chang'an Street plus seeing people walking on the snow on Tiananmen Square like black ants, one'll really experience the feeling of insignificance of an being an microscopic individual in China. With gigantic buildings all around the city of Beijing I wondered if Ngee Ann City'ld look like a miniature mall if it were teleported here. Everything's huge and white, especially so when contrasted to the dull facade of winter.

It's rather strange, as when I began missing Singapore and the equator I began imagining how I'ld be missing this place of wonders in ten day's time and beyond. Wish I so somehow get rid of sentimentality sometimes.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

New haircut 

It snowed and it stopped.

Beijing's a great place apart from the spitting that hopefully doesn't contribute to snowing. Been crazily shopping (and still my wallet's rather fat) but still miss people and friends. Everything has slowed to some sorta crawl as the sun climbs lazily up the sky past eight o'clock and the day closes at early past five. A complete contrast to school days. Yeah, miss those too.

Not depressed at the moment but I feel dead. Feel like I've lost my clear mind on things. I question the certainties, ascertain the fantasies, and disbelief truths. Or perhaps i'm a tat more different from the different person I've become.

Anyways, life's short. Cherish things.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Icy warmth 

Short entry this'll be due to my numb fingers too used to the equitorial heat feeling nothingness here.

Been touring around in China for just 6 days I've had enough of the climate already. Cold. Dusty. Dry. Argh.

And the worst of all, I so miss you (thanks for the email that brought friendly warmth), you (where's your email that you've promised), you, you, you, you and especially, you.

Help (which is futile). Sigh.

Well, i'll be back. :)

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